Becoming Me

Becoming Me

Becoming Me is your podcast companion and coach in your journey to a more integrated and authentic self. I explore the joys and challenges of the interior journey, and share practical wisdom about growing in wholeness and in living the authentic life.

Recent Episodes

March 17, 2025

What Do We Do When the Healing Journey Overwhelms Us?

Episode 148 In this episode, I address a profound question from a long-time podcast listener and religious sister in Southeast Asia regarding her healing journey. We explore the intricacies of feeling productive and empowered...
March 3, 2025

"They Did Their Best" Can Harm More Than Help

Episode 147 In this episode, I discuss a common challenge faced by complex trauma survivors: the notion that those who harmed us did the best they could. I emphasise why it's crucial not to accept this idea too early in the h...
Feb. 17, 2025

Why Deconstruction is an Essential Part of Complex Trauma Recovery

Episode 146 In this episode, I delve into the challenging and often misunderstood topic of deconstruction, especially for those of us healing from complex trauma as persons of faith. I share my own journey and how deconstruct...
Feb. 3, 2025

Experiencing Setbacks in our Healing from Complex Trauma

Episode 145 In this episode, I open up about the challenges of experiencing setbacks in the healing journey. I share a recent personal experience that triggered a significant emotional response and discuss the importance of r...
Jan. 20, 2025

When You Harm Others In Spite of Your Best Intentions

Episode 144 In this episode, I share a deeply personal story about the painful moment when I realized that having faith and spiritual practices alone couldn't save me from the dysfunctional patterns in my life. I discuss the ...
Jan. 6, 2025

Learn About Spiritual Abuse in a Catholic Setting (Resource Sharing)

Episode 143 In this episode, I briefly discuss the importance of understanding spiritual abuse, particularly if you're on a healing journey from trauma and its effects on your relationship with God. I outline three major reas...

About the Host

Ann Yeong Profile Photo

Ann Yeong

Speaker, Integrative Life Consultant-Coach

Ann has over 14 years of experience in human and spiritual formation. She is known for her warm personality, clarity in communication, and knack for engaging audiences in both mind and heart. She draws upon her inter-disciplinary learning and practical life experiences in philosophy, psychology and Catholic theology / spirituality to make profound concepts about the interior journey simple and relatable.

Ann helps lay disciples of Christ discover their unique path to an emotionally-healthy and spiritually-fruitful life of mission and service. She is a certified practitioner of the The Myers-Briggs Company Pte Ltd MBTI® Step I™ and Step II™ instrument and is also certified to coach with the Motivation Code™. Visit her website at (link below) to learn more.


Becoming Me

"Ann’s honesty and sincerity in sharing her own past struggles echoed so much with my own life. She gave me the courage to start digging up my well manicured cemetery lawn of buried aspects of me and …"

leelindagrace | July 1, 2021

Helps me figure out where I was, am at, and where I need to be

"These podcasts have accompanied me through a trying season in my life so it’s very timely. Grateful for this life-giving resource which teaches me how to dig deep and begin my own interior journey of…"

Byteresalee | June 7, 2021

Relatable, insightful and maybe life-changing!

"I love the authentic dialogue and very relatable experience that has been shared in the podcast. With the insightful prompts, this is a series that can help you look at your own life and take the sta…"

J0cedishappy | Oct. 11, 2020

Great podcast!

"This is an amazing podcast. It has helped me in my interior journey and has made me see the benefits of making said journey. Great podcast to listen to at any point in your life!"

Anne | July 30, 2021

Vicious cycle of inauthentic living hit home for me

"I loved hearing about the vicious cycle of inauthentic living and there were a few points in that cycle that resonated with me! Ann has very clearly articulated how I have been feeling over the past …"

PT | May 11, 2022

Finally someone who gets me

"Inter-generational trauma is such an important and prevalent topic that a lot of us are suffering from, whether it’s parents who want perfection or think they now what’s best or certain principles an…"

Anonymous | March 4, 2023

What a God Sent Treasure

"It's difficult to find help in this area of internal growth. I've been to Spiritual direction, counselling and yet nothing felt so spot on like this podcast. This honest sharing by Ann and Edwin…"

Fran | April 10, 2023

Insightful and practical!

"I love Ann’s podcast! She is very gifted and explaining the workings of the inner world in a way that is both inspiring and useful. Her clarity of thought, smooth presentation, and pleasant voice mak…"

Cassi | Sept. 7, 2023

A True Companion on the Interior Journey

"As a younger listener in her late twenties, your podcast and sharing have truly been my companion and source of strength throughout my interior journey. Thank you for sharing your knowledge systemati…"

Amanda | Oct. 22, 2023

Exactly what I need

"I don't think I've ever felt authentically me and have felt lost for a very long time - a lifelong Catholic, but holding on to the faith with little substance. So for the last while, I've been jumpin…"

Alexandra | April 2, 2024