Episode 147
In this episode, I discuss a common challenge faced by complex trauma survivors: the notion that those who harmed us did the best they could. I emphasise why it's crucial not to accept this idea too early in the healing process.
We need to focus on acknowledging the harm and injustice inflicted upon us before considering the limitations and reasons why our abusers acted the way they did. This is a journey of radical honesty and acceptance, facing uncomfortable truths without bypassing our emotions.
Join me as I explore why truth is essential for healing from trauma and how to reframe our understanding of love and compassion.
Watch this recording on YouTube.
Follow me on my Instagram account @animann for more material on the integration journey and subscribe to my monthly reflections on Begin Again.
[00:00] Introduction
[02:00] Internalising Dissonance and Self-Blame
[03:13] Scripts and Roles for Survival
[04:37] The Capacity for Love and Attunement
[08:07] Holding Opposing Truths
[10:06] The Importance of Radical Honesty
[18:21] Navigating the Healing Journey
[24:36] Radical Acceptance vs. Resignation
[27:52] Concluding Thoughts and Encouragement
Available here.
Notice if there were any particular sensations in your body as you listened to this episode. Which segments might they have been in response to?
What relationships in your life might you have noticed difficulty in holding opposing truths, or may have been told or thought that those who had harmed you “did their best”?
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00:00 - Introduction
02:00 - Internalising Dissonance and Self-Blame
03:13 - Scripts and Roles for Survival
04:37 - The Capacity for Love and Attunement
08:07 - Holding Opposing Truths
10:06 - The Importance of Radical Honesty
18:21 - Navigating the Healing Journey
24:36 - Radical Acceptance vs. Resignation
27:52 - Concluding Thoughts and Encouragement
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