In this video clip I talk about my signature offer - the Clarity Interior Integration Journey. Applications are now open until 29 February 2024.
I take only one small cohort of interior pilgrims through this coaching journey each year.
If you are beyond the beginnings of the interior journey and looking to grow in concrete self-knowledge and effective self-leadership so that you can grow in joyful self-gift…
If you are looking to refine both your discernment and living-out of your personal vocation…
If you are looking to develop as a self-aware and integrated leader who intimately knows and honours the unique nature God has given you while becoming ever more spiritually fruitful and effective…
If you feel called to prioritise and invest in yourself and journey intentionally with a small group of like-hearted interior pilgrims together with me for 8 months…
I hope you prayerfully consider if you are being called to be part of the Clarity Interior Integration Journey this year.