Trauma Blocks Us from Encountering God Within

God transcends us—He's beyond us—but He's also incredibly immanent and present within us. When God draws close to us, how does He connect with us except through the very person, the very body, the very being He has given us? He speaks to us not only through our thoughts but also through our imaginations, our emotions, and our physical sensations. It's through all these aspects of who we are that God comes near, impressing Himself upon us and communicating with us.

But for those of us who have experienced complex trauma, one of the deep consequences is a fractured sense of self. This blocks us from being able to receive in our bodies the experience of being loved - even by God.

This journey is about reclaiming that trust in ourselves, recognizing that God can speak through all parts of our being. It's about healing and learning to honor that inner voice again.

I invite you to listen to EP 142 | How Does God Heal Complex Trauma?

#SpiritualHealing #TraumaRecovery #GodWithinUs #HealingJourney #TrustingYourself #FaithAndTrauma #ListeningToGod #InnerWisdom