Episode 70 One of the constant challenges we face on our road into authenticity and wholeness is the burden of other people's expectations of us. What we don't often realise is that the "form" of these expectations can chan…
Episode 69 In this episode I speak with soul guide and companion Edwina Yeow of Anam Cara Ministries about pace in the interior journey. We share our own experiences of the struggle to slow down, breaking through the compart…
EPISODE 68 Is your search for your True Self and the unique calling that God has given you anchored in a sense of existential safety, or is it subtly driven by anxiety and fear? Many of us long to know who we are and leap ah…
EPISODE 67 What is it like to actively discern one's personal vocation and take the steps to follow that discernment in real life? This episode is a live recording I made after I realised I have been holding back on fully a…
EPISODE 66 (BONUS) Can you let God meet you where you REALLY are this Lent? Will you allow yourself to not DO anything for Lent if you are overwhelmed? What might an authentic Lent of interior integration look like for you? …
EPISODE 65 Without identifying the scripts that influence our behaviour without our awareness, we would be unable to come into deeper self-knowledge of who we truly are. In this episode I share why our scripts can affect our…
EPISODE 64 When we start healing and become aware of the life scripts that bind us, it can be especially frustrating when we find ourselves succumbing to "old ways". When this inevitably happens, how can we remain serene? I…
EPISODE 63 In this bonus episode to round off 2022, Nicole Law interviews me about my thoughts on emotionally healthy spirituality. I speak candidly about the pitfalls of approaching our spiritual life without attention to e…
EPISODE 62 In this final episode of the series on interior life and leadership, I discuss four distinct and deepening layers of knowing ourselves. As interior pilgrims we need to understand why self-knowledge needs to go bey…
EPISODE 61 What does it look like to use what we learn about our scripts, temperament and motivational design to help us show up as our best and also most authentic selves? In this episode I illustrate what this process can …
EPISODE 60 How can we bring the best that we can offer as a leader through leveraging our areas of giftedness and honouring our limits? What can we do to increase our effectiveness and impact without burning out and without …
EPISODE 59 What do we do when our insecurity rears its head? When we feel vulnerable and exposed, incompetent but we still have to lead? Denying, suppressing or bypassing our insecurities may give us short-term relief but w…
EPISODE 58 In this special episode of the Leadership series, I share a conversation with a fellow interior pilgrim who had tasted the heights of success in leadership but found himself tumbling into the search for authentici…
EPISODE 57 Have you ever been so identified with a role that you lose touch with who you are apart from it? Playing an important leadership role can occupy so much of our lives that we forget that our True Self is so much de…
EPISODE 56 Scripts are the unspoken silent guidelines that shape our thoughts, our beliefs, and our action which we learn from our interactions with our environment since our earliest days. Scripts are the lens through which…
EPISODE 55 We all know how important good leadership is, and many of us fear that we don't measure up when we have to lead. While there are many ways that we can grow to become more effective as a leader, we often fail to ap…
EPISODE 54 If you have been searching for your calling or personal vocation and still feel that you lack clarity, have you wondered how you can help yourself gain clarity in this process? In this episode I talk about three …
EPISODE 53 In this final episode to Season 4, I review what we've covered and once again provide an over-arching view of the thematic arcs of this podcast. I also talk about A Leader's Spirituality (ALS) , an online course t…
EPISODE 52 (BONUS) When we are in performance mode we expect to be assessed, evaluated and we seek to impress. There are times when we need to be in performance mode but what if that's how we approach our whole life? We end…
EPISODE 51 Many of us don't realise how much of a hold shame - specifically toxic shame - has over us. When shame is 'toxic', we don't just feel shame over what we do but we experience deep shame over WHO WE ARE. Toxic shame…
EPISODE 50 Being our real selves can be difficult even when we are not under duress. How do we build the inner resilience to still act with authenticity even in times of stress and adversity? In this episode I discuss three …
EPISODE 49 When we lack integration in our own identity, we do not have the power to love ourselves or others well. The work of interior integration helps us to love not only much but also love others well . In this episode …
EPISODE 48 Have you ever felt the frustration and bewilderment of why your love for someone pushes them away or why your beloved feels harmed by your best intentions? Loving Much ≠ Loving Well. We can love much and harm ours…
EPISODE 47 Have you ever experienced a dissonance between knowing that you are loved and really FEELING that you are loved in your body? For the longest time I used to think there was something wrong with me because I couldn…